Maintenance Instructions

6 Months for Mine Sites or Harsh Environments

  1. Use plenty of clean water to wash/rinse off any dust, grit and contaminants from light head.
  2. Use only a soft very wet non-textured cloth and “do not” use a circular motion – only side-to-side or up-and-down motions. Try to do the same direction every wash.
  3. Wipe dry with a soft non-textured cloth lightly.
  4. Allow the surface to dry before polishing.
  5. Apply a small amount (thumbnail size) of Meguiar’s PLASTX (available at most automotive stores) or similar polycarbonate polish to the dome top.
  6. Polish with a very soft non-textured clean cloth (or powered polisher/buff with soft material or foam pad) the top dome surface.
  7. Again, use side-to-side or up-and-down motions. Try to do the same direction every polish.
  8. Wipe clean with a soft non-textured cloth after polishing
  9. If possible or available within your region, spray with VuPlex or Plexus (shake can well before use) a light mist covering all clear polycarbonate surfaces after polishing to create an anti-static non-stick finish and protective layer and polish dry with a soft non-textured cloth.
Cleaning of: Spray Paint, Markers and all other acidic ink and adhesive contaminants.
  1. Apply Ethanol (Industrial Pure Alcohol) onto fine-textured soft fabric cloth and scrub off stains with pressure “DO NOT” use a circular motion – only side-to-side or up-and-down motions until all acidic or adhesive contaminants are removed.
  2. Wash with a tiny amount of soft-soap or even dishwasher liquid but limit it to a couple of drops in a full bucket.
  3. Rinse with clean water and dry with non-textured soft fabric cloth.
  4. Then follow above steps 3 to 9 under Annual Maintenance Process preferably using a powered polisher/buff to get a cleaner clear finish.

Please Note:

  • Spray paint and other acidic liquids will slowly oxidise and weaken PC surfaces.
  • The advanced cleaning process must be done immediately when this occurrence has been discovered.
  • The advanced cleaning process may not restore 100% due to the PC surface having already been damaged by acidic materials.